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  • prasanttghosh999

Baby’s Day Out - PRASANTT GHOSH The Fashion Designer

In today’s world, kids fashion is no less important than adult fashion. It’s booming time for the kid’s designers. A child dressing is always a matter of issue for his /her parents’, now a days you decide something to buy for your kids and end up buying something else because the market is flooded with kids apparel and so is the choices .And today with such development in the fashion world there emerging a new section of fashion for children. Each & every parent wants to dress his /her child in the best possible way in order to give him a unique and different look. So that he can stand out in the crowd. Even the kids have become fashion conscious and like to look the best. Parent’s now a day don’t look at the price tags while shopping for their child as far as they have satisfied that they are buying the best in style garment for their kids. So this is an area where one can succeed a lot.

However, keeping up with the fashion is just not alone as far as children dressing is concerned .There are certain parameters that should be considered while making decision for a child dress, like fabrics to be bought, some dos and do not while purchasing for your loving kids etc.

There are certain points that should be remembered while shopping for kids. Firstly, children skin is usually very delicate and prone to allergies easily; the clothing for children should be selected very carefully. For this purpose the fabrics that should be bought include natural fabrics like cotton, linen, wool, cashmere, silk, hemp, etc. Moreover synthetic fabrics should be avoided, natural fabrics are comfortable for children whereas synthetics fabric trigger uncomfort and allergies. Choose fabrics which breaths for kids as it is good for healthy skin and health growth.

Secondly, kids like to play and the nature of children’s activity mean that their clothes are more likely of getting dirty. So the clothes should be bright & lively and easily washable.

Thirdly, while shopping for their children the cost factor should be considered. As children grow fast, it is always advisable to buy one or two size bigger as they get replaced very often.

Fourthly, small children cannot express how they feel. They might be feeling cold or hot and unable to express. So proper care should be used .While in winter soft woollen and full knitwear should be brought and in summer pure soft cotton to be used to the maximum.

Fifthly, while shopping for children a proper care should be given to their foot wear .Footwear give the finishing to the dress .The foot wear should go with the latest trends but this does not mean compromising on some basic needs. Now a day’s children’s footwear is miniature version of adults’ footwear. However a child’s shoes should be the one that gives him comfort and the space for proper growth and should not be restricting the foot movement rather be flexible.

So we can say that there’s a lot as far as kids fashion is concerned. The list of precautions is quite long and I will soon come with more details on kids’ fashion. But parents meanwhile should keep in mind the comfort of the kids and nothing else in mind as the kids cannot express their problem properly.


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