One of the worst-hit industries which is on the verge of collapsing – is the Indian Fashion
industry. In better times, fashion retailers would have had launches of their spring-summer collections every year in March- April. Fashion designers would launch their new yearly collections and plan their yearly calendar. Stylists, makeup artists, models etc who are also dependent on fashion houses were just hoping for a better year. But then Covid19 hit, just when the business was just about to start. Nobody expected it, and no one thought that for a virus, the world would come to a complete standstill and become a disaster for all.

Many models, stylists, makeup artists, etc who are from the eastern part of
India had moved to big fashion industry hotspots of Delhi and Mumbai to chase their dreams. They are now suffering financially and emotionally. Rents are due and there is no income. Even if they return home rent is due for the whole year and no event is happening for a long time. Many small manufacturing units, fashion designers are in a death trap because the buyers unethically cancel their orders without any reasons.
There is no law to protect them from unethical cancellations and non-payments for these people. There are people who are the sole bread earners of the family in this fashion industry who are High BP, diabetics’ patients or might be looking after their family members who are mentally ill, cancer patients etc. In fact, many of them did not get their dues of the work which they have done just before the pandemic starts in India. Ramp shows and fashion shows will be out of question for this year. The fashion industry has always been self dependent (Atma-nirbhar) from the day one of their start. But due to this pandemic many are thinking to change their profession.

During the past decade, the fashion industry was an economic success; consistent growth, the strong performance of the Asian market and the boom of online shopping set up a bright outlook. Until the start of the pandemic, the sales forecast for 2020 looked promising. However the Covid-19 crisis has dramatically affected the fashion industry worldwide. Indian garment industry is in bad shape as orders from the fashion retailers dried up. The fashion industry is in tatters as lakhs of jobs are at risk. Obviously amidst this uncertain period where people are in lockdown, avoiding socializing and most of the businesses are not performing well and people are worried about their future.
It is clear, the wider sector will face significant structural changes, which will affect
customers’ behavior, the fashion calendar and even people's styles. Festival seasons of India after September do not look promising for 2020. Because most of the people who
organize festivals are confused as Covid-19 is increasing day by day In India.

This is obviously a terrible health and economic crisis. The fashion scene does not look so promising this year. It may pick up during the marriage season of 2021, if a vaccine of Covid19 becomes available to all. The Coronavirus pandemic has forced everyone to rethink about the industry habits. People are wearing masks along with maintaining social distances and calling it the “New Normal” but the actual new normal will be known only after the pandemic is over.
Things will start taking a new look once the situation improves. The e-commerce
industries will be doing more well by the end of this year.Travel restrictions and social
distancing rules have moved fashion industry to a digital space for the foreseeable future. Online streaming of designers shows and no guests’ policy might become the new normal for the front ‘row influencers’. Designers and companies will cut down their employers to be on the safer side. Many companies which were doing well before Covid-19 will shut down or will be taken over by others. One may lose jobs or clients or modeling assignments or fashion events. But till it happens use this time productively. Learn new skills, stay creative, and work on new designs and new ways of doing things. But do not lose hope. For all those who feel their world is falling apart, just hang in there.
"Nothing is permanent, Doors are opening, the wait was not a punishment, it was a preparation if you use it positively, this too shall pass"